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ASQUITH Herbert Henry a:c henry|k:c(c) (4)
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ASQUITH, Herbert Henry
Author: ASQUITH (Herbert Henry)
E:r) ASQUITH (Herbert Henry), Earl of Oxford and Asquith. Some LapeotB of the Victorian age...Delivered in the Sheldonian theatre., etc. (The Romance Lecture, 1918.) pp. 28. 8°• Oxford, 1918.
Card ID: 28
(XN ) c) (/‘‘ 1” j ASQUITH (Herbert Henry), gl._of. Oxford anu Asctuith. Studies and slcetehes...Second edition. pp. (8) + 212. 8. London, 1924.
Card ID: 30
ASQUITH (Herbert Henry) xfor&4tid Azjth. McLREN (a..) Women of the Wa.r...Wit.h an int.roduction by the Right Hon. H.H.Asquih. London, 191j.
Card ID: 37
ASQUITH (Herbert Henry), Jau. ofj.Oxfgd_ an1 Aiuith. See MAIZINJ, Minor pseud. Home rule Lor IrelEinci or, the Downfall of Britain and the destruction of liberty: a review of Mr. Asquith’s “Ladybank” speech, 25th October, l91. Vancouver, 1913.
Card ID: 38