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ASHINGTON COLUMBIA a:p |k:p (will) (6)
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- DEPOSITORY ?1ASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). ie Institution of Washington. Jepartment c Mine Biology. Publioations.] 19. Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. A memorial to Alfred Goldsborough Mayor. Some posthumous papers of A. G. Mayor reJ.ating to his work at Tutuila I8land and adjacent regions, together with report8 of R. A. Daly, R. P. Chamberlin and C. B. Lip- man on their wok in the same connection. [With a bibliography.) (Carnegie Instit— utionof ashington. Publication No. 34Y.) pp. vii. + 217. Portrait, plates, maps and diagrams. 8°. Washiiton, 1924.
Card ID: 259
D EPCS ITO t ‘ASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Library of Congress. Chain stores, [Continued.] —— [Supplement.] pp. (2). + 33. 8°. [Washington], 1939. Typescript facsimile.
Card ID: 60
DEPOStTORY iASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). LibrjrvoLCongress. A List of recent references on economic p1annin. 1WashJn&xxJ, 1933. See supra: Economic councils and economic plarming, .
Card ID: 224
‘1ASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Division of Anthropology and Psychology. CoTninittee on International Anthropology. Field guide series. I:voiumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors. j 1,3rr) i2h.) 1. KEESING (Felix M.) Field guide to Oceania. 1959. 2. WOLFE (Alvin W.) Field guide to west and central Africa. 1959. kcZ 3. BBARDSLEY (Richard K.) Field guide to Japan.cI) 1959. :SEE NEXT CARD. j
Card ID: 144
folio 53 DOC Nat ASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Divjsio.ofrth Sciences. Co!arrlittee on Processes of Ore DetxDstion. Ore deposits as related to structural features. [By various authors.] Prepared under the direction of t]e ConEnittee on Processes of Ore Deposition of the Division of Geolor end Geography of the National Research Council, Washington, D.C. gdited by W.Et. Newhouse. (Facsimile of the l9l,2 edition pp. 280. illus. and maps. New York and London, 1969.
Card ID: 149
)EPOS)TORY ViASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Unte_a.t Nation]. Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museums 118. Handbook and descriptive catalogue of the collections of gems and precious stones in the United States National Museum. By G.PeMerrill, assisted by LWi.oodey and E.T.’iVherry. (With a bibliography9] pp. viii. + 225. Portraits plates and illustrations. 0 8 . WashIng, 1922.
Card ID: 274