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ASH John a:are john|k:on (john) (5)



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    Author: ASH (John)


    ASH (John), IJP. The New and complete dictionary of the English language...To which is prefixed a compendious grammar. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1775.

    Card ID: 597

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    Author: BUSH (John !ash Douglas)


    b j BUSH (John !ash Douglas) - SPAGNUOLI (Baptista), • The Eclogies of Mituan. Trj,s1ated by G.Tirbervi1e. 1567. [A facsimile.] dited by D.Bush. New 1ork. 1937.

    Card ID: 24

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    Author: CHAMPE (John Leiand)


    CHAMPE (John Leiand) - Ash Hollow cave: a study of strati’aphic sequence in the central Great Plains. LincotnLNebraskaj, 1946. LINCOLN (NEBRASKA). University of Neraska. University of Nebraska studies. New series, 1.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: BURNEAM (John)


    DEPOSITORY ASH BURNEAM (John), ofthe edcKher_t& O’harles I. A Narrative by John Ashburitham of his attendance on iCing Charles the First from O±ord to the Scotch army, and from Hampton—Court to the Isle of Vight, never before printed. To which is prefixed a vindication of his character .anc conduct, from the misrepresentations of Lord Clarendon, by his lineal descendant and present representative [i.e. George, Earl of Ashburnhani. Edited by George Earl of Ashburnhain.] 2 vols. Portrait. [S.R.J 00 7nion, 1830.

    Card ID: 53

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    Author: No Author available


    A r’ ,1 j,i . DICTIONARIES. [Languages. — English.) The New and complete dictionary of the English language, etc. 1775. ASH (John), LL.D.

    Card ID: 317