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Author: ASGILL (John)
C D’ru - Ccit) ASGILL (John). An Argument proving, that according to the covenant of eternal life revealed in the Scriptures, man may be tran.slated from hence into that eternal life, without passing through death, aitho the human nature of Christ himself could not be thus translated till he had passed through death. [Signed: J.Asgill.J pp. 103 [or rather 75]. [D.—r,.L,J 8°. [London], 1700. The pagation is irregular. Bound in a volume lettered: Defoe’s Works. Miscellaneous Tracts.
Card ID: 584
ASGILL (John). An Argument proving, that, according to the covenant of eternal life revealed in the Scriptures, man may be translated from hence into that eternal life, . See DEFOE (D.) [Minor Siile Works.] An Enquiry into the case of Mr. Asgill’s Qeneral translation, shewing that ‘tis not a nearer way to heaven than the grave. By the author of the True born nglshman. LoMQn, 1704.
Card ID: 585
- jJ C’IiI) k ASGILL (John). Mr. Asgill’s apology for an omission in his iate publication. fi.e. iJr. isgil1’s defence upon his expulsion from the House of Commons.] pp. 24. [D.-.L.L.] - 8°. frinted for A.Bajdiyin London, 1713. Bound in a voluo 1ettered Defoe’s Misellaneous Tracts. 3.
Card ID: 586
c (Pc,) ASGILL (John). Mr. Asgill’s Defence upon his expulsion from the House of Commons of Greet Britain in 170’?. With an introduction [by B.E.i, the ?arliamentary oath in Queen Anne’s reign, and a postscript from Southey’s ‘Doctor’. (The Leek Bjou Freethought Reprints, No. II.) pp. 80. (L.P.] O Manchester ñj London, 1881.
Card ID: 587
LLL] (xvILI) F3 b1i ASGILL (John). The Pretender’s declaration, abstracted from two anonymous pawphlets, the one intitled, Jus sacrum, and the other, Memoirs of the Chevalier St. George. With some memoirs of two other Chevaliers St. George [Laibert Simnel and Perkin Warheckj in the reign of King Henry VII. Written by Mr. Isgi]J. pp. 46. 8°. Printed for I.23i1dwin: Ln.Jn, 1713. Bound with: Defoe. lure divino. 1706.
Card ID: 589