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ARTHUR John William a:john john|k:to (john) (3)



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    Author: ARTHUR (John William)


    PoU Wil ARTHUR (John William). See WILLIS (John Jamieson), Bishop of Uganda. Towards a united church, 1913-19117. By J.J.Wilhis, J.W.Arthur, S.C.Neill, G.W.Broomfield, R.LC. Orchard. With an introduction by W.J.Noble. 8°. London, 191i7.

    Card ID: 330

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    Author: BENPINCK (William John Arthur Charles Jxnes Cavendish)


    BENPINCK (William John Arthur Charles Jxnes Cavendish), 6th Duke of Portland. See LONDON. [IU. )lisoellaneous Institutions Societies, etc.) WaJ.ole Society. [publicatio) The Fourth annual volume, etc. (The Welbeck Abbey miniatures belonging to His Grace the Duke of Portland: a catalogue raisonn4. J3y !. W. Goulding.) pp. x. + (2) + 224. Oxford, 1916.

    Card ID: 88

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    Author: ALCOCK (Sir John William) and BROWN (Sir Arthur 11hitten)


    BT3 Aic ALCOCK (Sir John William) and BROWN (Sir Arthur 11hitten). Our transatlantic flight...With an introduötion by Captain John AJ.cock. pp. 195. Plates and illustrations. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 199