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ARNOLD Frederick Henry a:an henry|k:0829 (2)
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ARNOLD, Frederick Henry
Author: ARNOLD (Frederick Henry)
(flWi ARNOLD (Frederick Henry). Petworth: a sketch of its history and antiquities, with netices of objects of archo1ogica1 interest in its vicinity. pp. (2) + 114 + (2). P1at. 0 8 . petyorth, 1864. A MS. bibliography has been inserted.
Card ID: 75
ARNOLD (Frederick Henry). WARREN (James Lowe—) Sussex tokens issued during the XVIIth, XVIIIth & XIXth centuries by the corporations, guilds, overseers of the poor, taverns & tradesmen, etc., etc.. .With an historical introduction by F. H. Arnold. First edition. kondon, 1888.
Card ID: 76