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ARNOLD ,!E Edwin a:e vi|k:e (or) (4)
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ARNOLD, Sir Edwin
Author: ARNOLD ( Edwin)
:ç) ARNOLD ( Edwin), JCC.r.E. The Light or the world; or, the Great consummation...Third edition. pp. (10) + 295. 0 8 . Indori, 1891.
Card ID: 57
Author: ARNOLD (Edwin)
(cix) 8cL(4re1c(] ARNOLD (Edwin), K.C.I.E. ‘7andering wor6s. Reprinted. from papers .pub1ishd in tb °Da1y Telegrapht’, an foreign journals and magazines...Vt0h illust,rat,ions, etc. pp. xii. ÷ 372. CL. I.] 8. Lcndon and New York, 1094.
Card ID: 62
Author: ARNOLD (Sir Edwin)
OEPGITC ARNOLD (Sir Edwin), K.C.I.E. Seas and lands. Reprinted by permission of the proprietors of the “Daily Telegraph” from letters published under the title “By Sea and Land” in that journal...Second edition. pp. . + 535. Plates and illustrations. 8. London and New York, 1891.
Card ID: 60
DEPOSITORY ARNOLD (Sir Edwin), K.C.I.E. A We1oonie..Poetry and prose. [With a dedication by E. Arnold.] London, 1863. See WELCOME.
Card ID: 63