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ARNAULD Antoine a:c 3 |k:c(’c) (6)
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ARNAULD, Antoine
OT, Claude, Grammarian and ARNAULD, Antoine
ARNAULD, Antoine, Dotorof the Sorbonne and NIOLE, pierre
Author: ARNAULD (Antoine)
Card ID: 262
ARNAULD (Antoine), Dootor of the Soborane. and. NICOLE pierre). Logica, ive ars oogitandi in qua prar 1ra1gaae3 regulas plura nova .abentu ad ratioten dixigendani jti1ia. [A trars1rtion of rLa Logique, ou,1 art de pensex of A.Arnauld and P.Nioo-19.J,Lc. London. 1674. CO4 41 C 3 [Lj • —lAnother edition.] ,c 4ZC. - London, 1oo2 LOGICA.
Card ID: 267
ARNAULD (Antoine), Doctor of the Sorbonnç. See MALEBRANCHE (ic.) Recueil de toutes les r4ponses dii Pre Malebranche a L1,Arnaud. (Quatre lettres dii P.Malebranche touchant celles de 11. Arnaud.) Paris, 1711, 1709.
Card ID: 272
‘ARNAULD (Antoine), Doctor of the SOrbonne. See PALAFOX Y MENDOZA (J.’ae), succeizely Bishop of Puebla de los Angeles and of Osma. Hi6.toire de Doni Jean do Palafox, [Part I being the life by-P.Champion... the remainder being written, or rather, edited by A. ArnaulcL ] [Cologne], 1690.
Card ID: 273
Author: OT (Claude), Grammarian and ARNAULD (Antoine)
WG LANCElOT (Claude), Grammarian and ARNAULD (Antoine), Doctor of the Sorborine. A Genera], and rational grammar (containing the fundamental principles of the art of peaking...Trar.s1ated from the French of Nessieurs do Port—Royal [i.e. C.Lancelot and A.Arnauld).) 1753. [A facsimile of the British Museum copy.] o . Menston, 19 See GiA’HAIRE. [Grainmaire gnra].e et raiaonnbe. — English.]
Card ID: 182
Author: ARNAULD (Antoine), Dotorof the Sorbonne and NIOLE (pierre)
ARNAULD (Antoine), Dotorof the Sorbonne and NIOLE (pierre). La Logique; ou, L’art de penser. Ouvrage connu sous i.e nom de LogLque de Port—Royal. Nouvelle édition, publie avec des arguments, des notes et une table ana1-tique, par E. Charles. pp. vii. ÷ 485. IG.G.] 8° Paris, 1869.
Card ID: 274