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ARMSTRONG Henry Edward a:e edward|k:on (e) (4)
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ARMSTRONG, Henry Edward
Author: ARMSTRONG (Henry Edward)
ARMSTRONG (Henry Edward). The Displacement of chlorides from solution by alcohol and by hydrogen oh].eride. .By..E. E. Armstrong, eto. - [London, 1907.j .2&. CALO WELL (R • J.). Studies of the prooesses operative in solutions. Part 2.
Card ID: 98
ARMSTRONG (Henry Edward). The Hydrolysis of methylie acetate in prosenoe of salts. By H. E. Armstrong, [London, 1907.] CALDWELL (R. J..) Studies of the processes operative in solutions. Part 4.
Card ID: 101
ARMSTRONG (Henry Edward). The Place oheuzistry znuBt take in public est,eeni. TIp. 3S. 160. Mancheiter, 1906.
Card ID: 102
ARMSTRONG (Henry Edward). WALKER (E. E.). Stucties of the prooesses opertiv-e in solution. By B. E. Walkr (and H. B. Arnistrong). London, 19l-2—l.
Card ID: 107