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ARKELL William Joscelyn (3)
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ARKELL, William Joscelyn
SANDFORD, Kenneth Stuart and ARKELL, William Joscelyn
Author: ARKELL (William Joscelyn)
ARKELL (William Joscelyn). See CHICAGO. Universitjr of Chicag. Oriental Institute. LPublieations.] 10. Prehistoric survey of Egypt and Western Asia. 1. SANDFORD (K.S.) and ARKELT3 (W.J.) Paleolithic man and the NileFaiy’um divide, Chicago, 1929.
Card ID: 338
ARKELL (William Joscelyn). See CHICAGO. Unjversjty oica. Oriental Institute. [publications.) 17. Prehistoric survey of Egypt and Western Asia. 2. SANDFORD (K.s.) and AHKELL (w.J.) Paleolithic man and the Nile Valley in Nubia and Upper Egypt, etc. ChicagQ, 1933.
Card ID: 339
Author: SANDFORD (Kenneth Stuart) and ARKELL (William Joscelyn)
SANDFORD (Kenneth Stuart) and ARKELL (William Joscelyn). Paleolithic man arid the Nile Valley in Nubia and Upper Egypt: a study of the region during Pliocene and Pleistocene times. Chicago, 1933. See CHICAGO. University of Chicago. Oriental Institute. [Pubiicatons.] 17. Prehistoric survey of Egypt and Western Asia. Vol. 2.
Card ID: 296