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ARE Thomas Augustine a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (3)
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ARE, Thomas Augustine
ARNE, Thomas Augustine
FOSS, Antoine Augustine Thomas
Author: ARE (Thomas Augustine)
DEPOS1TO ARE (Thomas Augustine). Artaxerxes: (an English opera).By T.AArne, 1761. (The libretto translated and adapted by him from the Italian of Metastasio.j Introduetion by W.Gillis. Los Angeles, 1 963. See METASTASIO (Pietro A.D.B.)
Card ID: 317
Author: ARNE (Thomas Augustine)
YiEL c) ( ARNE (Thomas Augustine). Artaxerxes: an English opera. [Translated and adapted from the Italian of Metastasio] by T.A. Ame. With prefatory remarks ...and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W .Oxberry. (oxberry ‘a Edition.) pp • 23. Portrait and diagram. 12° • London, 1828. Bound in a volume lettered: Oxerry’s English Drama. Vol.21.
Card ID: 316
Author: FOSS (Antoine Augustine Thomas)
4-’ 4_1 ‘• DU FOSS (Antoine Augustine Thomas), ria. See WILLIAMS (H.M.) Letters written in France, in the summer 1790, to a friend in England, containig various anecdotes relative to the French Revolution nd memoirs of Mos. and Madame du F— tDu Foss4J, . London, 1792—93.
Card ID: 219