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ARCE Gaspar a:r !artin de|k:a (r,) (3)
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ARCE, Gaspar
ARCE, Gaspar Nthez de
Author: ARCE (Gaspar)
N LNE DE ARCE (Gaspar). El Haz de le...Edited with introduction and notes by R. Schevill. [With a short bibliograpby.] (eath’s Modern Langiae Series.) pp. xxxiii. + 153. Portraits. 8. Boston, Cc. 1950].
Card ID: 228
XPQ N95C 938 NiJiEZ DE ARCE (Gaspar). PoesCas coinpietas.. .Recopi1acicn y revisicn a cargo de Ramcn ViJiasuso. Texto integro, de acuerdo con la edicin original. CBiblioteca Mundial Sopena.) pp. 253. Buenos Aires, 1938.
Card ID: 229
Author: ARCE (Gaspar Nthez de)
ARCE (Gaspar Nthez de). N13Thi Z 133 ARCE.
Card ID: 18