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ARBUTHNOT Charles in (charles) (6)
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ALL, Arthur
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Author: ARBUTHNOT (Charles)
ARBUTHNOT (Charles), DJiiljntist. The Correspondence of Charles Arbuthnot, Ediied. . .by A.Aspinall. LpnciQu, 1941. LONDOt. [iiij Royal Hitoroal Society. Camden series, 65.
Card ID: 637
Author: ALL (Arthur)
1 ‘3 I ASPfl1ALL (Arthur). See LONDON.1111.] Royal kiistQricEl Sojjy..1. Camden series. 65. The Correspondence of Charles Arbuthnot. Edited.. .by A.Aspinall. London, 1941.
Card ID: 456
Author: No Author available
LO1DON.-Rovp1 iitorjca1 Soc.etv. tt kcte ot.U1. Camden seriesa 65. The Correspondence of Charles Arbuthnot. Edited. . .by A.Aspinall. pp. xviii. ÷ 268. Folded tab1. 8o London, 1941.
Card ID: 331
ç C-(ec) . OLDEAM (Charles Evelyn Arbuthnot William). Sir Aurel Stein, 1862—1943. From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume XXIX. pp. 20. Portrait. BO. London, [1944]. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 4
Author: WELLESLEY (Gerald)
a WEL WELLESLEY (Gerald), 7th Duke of Wellington. See WELLESLEY (Arthur), Duke of dellington. [Letters.) Wellington and his friends: letters of the first Duke of Wellington to the Rt.Hon. Charles and Mrs. Arbuthnot, the Earl and Countess of Wilton, PrIncess Lleven, and Miss BurdettCoutta • Selected and edited by the seventh Duke of Wellington. 8°. London and New York, 1965..
Card ID: 564
Author: WELLESLEY (Arthur)
MUML WE’ WELLESLEY (Arthur), Duke of Wellington. [Letters.) Wellington and his friends: letters of the first Duke of Wellington to the Rt.Hon. Charles and Mi’s. Arbuthnot, the Earl and Countess of Wilton, Princess Lieven, and. Miss BurdettCoutts • Selected and edited by the seventh Duke of Wellington. pp. viii. + 317. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 8. London and New York, 1965.
Card ID: 498