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ARBER Edward a:e william|k:it (william) (25)



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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). British anthologies. (Edited by E. Arber.) 10 vols. 8°. London and flew Yo, 1900-[e.1910]. VoIs. 2—8 and 10 belog to the reprint issued under the title “Erglish songs”. 1. The Dunbar anthology, 1401—1508 AD. 2. Surrey and Nyatt and their ties, 1509—1547 A.D. 3. Spenser and his times, 1548—1591 A.D. 4. Shakespeare and his tines, 1592—1616 A.D. 5. Jonson and his times, 161Z—1637 A.D. 6. Milton and his times, 163—1674 A.D. [SEE NE CARD.]

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    e ARBER (Edward). British anthologies, [Continued.] 7. Dryden and his times, 1675—1700 A.D. t. Pope and his times, 1701—1744 A.D. 9. The Goldsmith anthology 174-1774 A.D. 10. Cowper and his times, 175—100 A.D.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). Contemporary printed lists of books produoed in England. BIBLIOGRAPHICA. Bibliographioa. VoL III. pp. 173—191. London, 1897..

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    - F, ARBER (Edward). An English Garner: ingatherings from our history and literature. 8 vols. Facsimiles. London (and Birmingham), l877-97.. - -[A new edition, reissued in classified forn, with some additions, and flew introductions, under the general editorship of T. Secoornbe.) 12 vole. Facsimiles, 0 - Westrziinster, 1903...04 [SEE NEXT CJRD.J

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    * 0 ARBER (Edward). An ng1isi Garner, etc. [Continued.] 1. Critical essays and literary fragments. Vlith an introduction by J. C. Collins. 2. Social England illustrated: a oo11otion of XVIIth century tracts. With an introduction by A. Lang. 3,4. Voyages and travç].s, mainly during the 16th and 1’7th centuries. Viith an introduction by C B. Beazley. 5. Fifteenth century prose and verse. With an introduction by A. W. Pollard. Lij NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). M En1ish reprints. Edited by E.Arber. I • LLtLTON (Jobn).. Areopagitica, 24 November 1644. Preceded by illustrative documents La decree of Starre—Chamber concerning printing, 11 July 1637, Orders of the House of Commons, 29 January 1642, 9 March 1643, 14 June 1643]. pp. 80. Facsimiles. 80. Lcdpn, 1868. £.Anotber issue.) L.P. °crbcr] 8 . London, 1869. Cknotber coi

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). - English reprints. Edited by . Arbér. 5. TffEBBE (Edward). ward Webbe, Chief master gunner, his trauailes, 1590. [With a bibliography.) pp. 40. Faosirnile. 8 . London, 188. [Another copy.] 30c. L’rei Bound in a volume with Nos.4 & 6. [Another issue.] [L.F.0 4 . London, 1869. Bound in a volume with Ios.4 & 6, lettered:

    Card ID: 502

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). i4r. oJ&! English reprints. Edited by E, Arber. 8. ADDISON (Joseph). Criticism on Milton’s Paradise Lost, from ‘The Spectator’, 31 December 1711-3 May 1712. [With a bibliography.] pp.152. [L.P.) 4. London, 1868. Boimd in volume with No.7, lettered: Vol.3. . - [Another issue.] o’- j 8 • London, 1868. Bound with No “ V

    Card ID: 506

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). J 4 English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 10. VILLIERS (George), 2nd Duke of Buokinham. The Rehearsal. First acted 7 Dec.16?)., published (?July) 1672. With illustrations from previous plays, etc. [With Brian Fairfas liiemoirs gf tff life of George Villiers, etc., and a biblio grapiiy.] pp.136 Facsimiie. [13.P.] 4°. London, 1868. Bound with Nos. 11 & 12 in a volume lettered: Vol.5. 8”c [L.L-j Anot’ - — J .ci1ce V 8. london, 1869.

    Card ID: 509

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). English reprinta. Edited by E.Arber. 12. EARLE (John), successively Bishop of Worcester and of Salisbury. Hicro—cosmographie. . .1628, etc. CContinued.] r i LAflother .ssuo.i pp. 1O’t. Bibi. and facsina. v London, i868. Bound in a volune with Nos. 10 and 11. I - [Anothe, p. 104. Bibi. and facsim.9 Birmingham, 1868.

    Card ID: 513

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    - ARBER (Edward). 4 English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 17. UDALL (Nicholas). Roister Doister, written, probably also represented, before 1553.. .Edited from the unique copy now at Eton College. [With a bibliography.] pp.88. Facsimile. [L.P.) 4° London, 1869. Biid with Nos.16,].8j9, in a volume lettered: Vol.8. _[Another isue.J Bound with Nos.1F’-1R-19 8 . ofldrniI89e

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). - English reprints. Edited by E.Arber. 20. NAUNTON (j Robert). Fragmenta regalia, [Continued. I [Another copy.)

    Card ID: 526