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ANTONINUS Marcus a:p will|k:p (will) (4)
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Author: ANTONINUS (Marcus)
•< AURELIUS ANTONINUS (Marcus), callecI the Philosopher, ErnperorofRonie. [!.ieditatlons. —Greek. j cpxou ‘Air()vL’dOu iirocpctopoc TV £tC cwtoy .BgIALc( Lu’. D.Imperatoris Marci Antoriini Cominentariorum q.uos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII. Recensuit I.Stich. pp. xviii. + 211. 8°. Leipjg, 1882. ar t p sc r icpijt 1! qo — ---- [Another edition.] Iterunt recensuit I.Stich. pp. xxii. + 218. ipZi, 1903.
Card ID: 16
i AURELIUS ANTONINUS (Marcus), cfled the Phflosojer, peror of Rqe. [Meditations. reekänd”Frenc.] Penses. Texte établi et traduit par A. I. Trannoy. Prface d’A. Puech. (Collection des Universits de France.) pp. xxvii. + xxv. + (292). 8°. Paris, 1939.
Card ID: 23
Malcolm Morley 2 Collection AUiELIU3 ANTONINUS (Marcus), called th Phi1osopher, eror of e. [Se1ectionz.—EgUsh. S The Golden book of Marcus Aurelius. Translated out of the Greek by Neric Casaubon. (Evezvna&s Litxaxr.) 1906.
Card ID: 33
AURELIUS ANTONINUS (Marcus), called the Philosopher, Emperor of Rome. [Appendix.j [For the wor1 entitled “Vita, getsti [sic], costumi, discorsi et lettere di M.Aurelio”, an Italian translation by Sebastiano Fausto da Longiano of Antonio de Guevara’s “Libro aureo de Marco Aurelio:j See GUEVARA (Antonio de), successively Bishop of Guadix and of Mondofledo. [Libro Aureo de Marco Aurelio. - Italian.]
Card ID: 37