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ANGELES CALIFORNIA a:an nicholas|k:on (nicholas) (2)



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    LOS ANGELES (CALIFORNIA). Southwest Museum. Southwest Museum Papers. [From Vol. 20 onwards, volumes in this series are fully catalogued under their authors.) ri trr j.r) ‘N... 20. BOWMAN (J.N.) and MEIZXR (Robert F.) Anza and the Northwest frontier of New Spain. 1967. csm ç’cs 21. REID (Hugo), of Los Angeles 0ounty. The Indians of LoaU€ Angeles County: Hugo Reid’s letters of 1852. Edited and annotated by R.F.Reiier. 1968. 22. BRYiIK (Bruce). Archaeological explorations on San Nicholas Island. 1970. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 99

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    Author: No Author available


    p LITURGIES. Catholic Church. [Combined Offices. — IV. Officia Propria. — General.] The Saint Nicholas liturgy and its literary relatiorishipsKriinth to twelfth centuriee. By C.W.Jones. With an essay on the music by G. Reaney. [With the Latin text and with a bibliography.) (University of California Publications. English Studies, 27.) pp. x. i- 151. 80. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1963.

    Card ID: 168