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ANGAS Lawrence Lee Bazley (3)
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ANGAS, Lawrence Lee Bazley
Author: ANGAS (Lawrence Lee Bazley)
DEPOS1TOFY ANGAS (Lawrence Lee Bazley). The Coming American boom. pp. (4) + 35. Charts and tables. fol. London, 1934. Catalogued from the wrppper.
Card ID: 458
i-OSITOFY (Ji ANGAS (Lawrence Lee Bazley). The Coming collapse in gold, . pp. (4) + 91. Diagrams, chart and tables. fol. London, 1933. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 459
DPOSlT0RY •ic1 ANGAS (Lawrence Lee Bazley). The Corning rise in gold shares. pp. 16. Chart and tables. fol. Londofl, 1931. CatalQgued frjjvraer. The chart is on the front of the wrapper.
Card ID: 460