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ANDREWS Charles Mclean in (charles) (7)



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    Author: ANDREWS (Charles McLean)


    ANDREWS (Charles McLean). § EIENSTAD- (Abi,ahani S.) Charles McLean AndDews: a study in nerican historical writing. New York, 1956.

    Card ID: 175

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    Author: ANDREWS (Charles Mclean)


    ANDREWS (Charles Mclean). Colorilea self—government, 1&52 —1689. New York and London, 11904.] hIART (A.B. The American nation, etc. Vo1..

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: ANDREWS (Charles McLean)


    ANDREWS (Charles McLean). See NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT). Yale iversity. Yale ifistorical Publications. Manuscripts and dited Thxts. 4. some cursory rema-ks made by James Birket in his voyage to North America, 1750—1751. (The preface is signed C.M.A., i.e. C.M..Andrews.] New Raven and London, 1916.

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: ANDREWS (Charles McLean)


    ANDREWS (Charles McLean). See ROUSSEAU (J.J.) [Du Contrat Social.] Ideal empires and republics. Rousseau’s Social contract, More’s Utopia, Bacon’s New Atlantis, Cainpanella’s City of the Sun. With an introduction by C.M. Andrews. New Yor and London, 1901.

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: ANDREWS (Charles McLean)


    ANDREWS (Charles McLean), Colonial commerce. (A paper the meeting of the American Historical Association in Charleston, Deceniber 30, 1913.1 (Reprinted from The American Historioal Review. Vol. 20, no. 1.) pp. 43—63. 8°. [New 1914.] Cata1oed from the caption.

    Card ID: 169

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    Author: EISEIETADT (Abraham S eldin)


    !POS1TOPX EISEIETADT (Abraham S eldin). Charles McLean Andrews: a study in American historical writing. £Vlith a biblioraphr.) (Columbia Studies in the Social Sciences., 588.) pp. . + a73. Portrait. 8°. New York, 1956.

    Card ID: 74

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    KEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American Nation, etc. [Continued.j 4. England in America, 1580-1652. By Lyon Gardiner Tyler. 11904.J 5. Colonial self-government, 1652—1689. By Charles McLean Andrews. [1904.j 6. Provincial America 1690-1740. By Evarts Bote1l Creene. [1905.] (Reprinted.) (American Classics Series.) 1964. 33 NbA 7. France in America, 1497—1763. By Reuben Cold Thwaites. [l905.J 8. Preliminaries of the revolution, 1703-1775. By George Elliott Howard. [1905.] 9. The American revolution, 1776—1783. By Claude I-Ials tead van Pyne r1ofl 1 [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 132