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ANDERSSON Otto an (otto) (2)



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    Author: ANDERSSON (Otto)


    C ANDERSSON (Otto). The Shetland gue, the Welsh crwth, and the northern bowed harp. Ballad hunting in the Orkney Islands. [Two studies.] Offprint from the Budkavlen 1954, 1—4. pp. 58. Illustrations and facsimile. 8°. bo, 1956. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: No Author available


    LSJ 17.c ,ANDERSSON (Otto). The Bowed—harp: a study in the history of early musical instruments...Froni the original Swedish edition revised by the author, the translation [by L. Stenb&ck] edited with additional foot-notes. by K. Schlesinger. [with a bibliography.] pp. xviii. ÷ (2) + 319. Fronti.piece, illustrations ad folded m.. 8°. London, 1930.

    Card ID: 290