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ANDERSON Alexander a:p |k:p (will) (2)
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ANDERSON, Alexander
Author: ANDERSON (Alexander)
Lz Aj /_2 ANDERSON (Alexander), Geometer, of -Aberdeen. A. Andersoni Aberdonensis-..Srpp1eruentvi’u redivivi, . [CONTINtJED.j PaKes 41-47 of the secondpart (Variorum problematum) are incorrectly numbered 31-37. Bound in a volume lettered: A. Andersoni Qpa.. With MS. notes. A MS. letter from D.F. Gregory concerniflg Anderson is inserted in the volume. The title—page has been damaged and repaired. [Another copy.] - With MS. notes.
Card ID: 494
ANDERSON (Alexander), Geometer- of Aberdeen. ‘- Vindiei Archimedis; sive, Elenchvs oyc1ometri nova a P. Lansbergio nuper edit. pp. (4) + 7 + (1).’- Diagram. [De U.] 4°. Paris, 1616. Cropped at lower edge. Bound in a volume lettered: A.Adersoni Qpera.
Card ID: 499