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AN William Anthony a:c “|k:c(c) (8)
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AN, William Anthony
DAVENPORT, William Anthony
HARRISON, William Anthony
EY, Anthony William
IY, Anthony William
WEST, William Anthony
ND, William Anthony
ELLIS, Oliver Coligny de Champleur and KIBIBY, William Anthony
Author: AN (William Anthony)
‘4—i C 1 ‘ OSJtAN (William Anthony). The Chemical ivrk of Alessandro Volta. twith a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitteä for the degree of M.Sc. of the University of Lonñon in 1956.1 (3) + 105 leaves. fl1ustrations iiagrams and t abi e s. 4° 1956.
Card ID: 339
Author: DAVENPORT (William Anthony)
DAVENPORT (William Anthony). A Study of the ord order and sentence structure of Sir Gawain and the green knight with references to other poems of the north—west Midland alliterative group. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis sbitted for the degree of M.A. of the University of London in 1958.1 197 leaves. Chwrt. 4° 1958.
Author: HARRISON (William Anthony)
3111FJ 888 HARRISON (William Anthony) SRAKESPEABE (wiiii). [King Richard II] King Richard the Second...The third quarto, i)8. A facsimile in photo—lithography by C.Praetorius. an introductory notice by W.A.Harrison. 80. London, 1888.
Card ID: 707
Author: EY (Anthony William)
3 27Fto RII1EY (Anthony William). Die Erzhlkunst im Alterswerk von Thomas Mann, mit besonderer BerU.cksichtigung cler “Bekenntniase des Ilochstaplers ielix Krull”, ia. IThesis: University of TUbingen. With a bibliography.) 307 leaves. 1acsimiles. fol. [T1bingen, 1958).
Card ID: 32
Author: IY (Anthony William)
Harry Price Liorary ‘L -J For Relerence Only TRETHE?IY (Anthony William). Bifleá1 criticism nd psychical research concerning the Gospels, etc. 1930.
Card ID: 270
Author: WEST (William Anthony)
3 SJG H5 Wes Beference only WEST (William Anthony). The Law of housing... Foi-th edition by Keith Davies. pp.xxxi, 3.5. Bib].. London, j97),
Card ID: 431
Author: ND (William Anthony)
p p, ‘_ WILLIBRkND (William Anthony). Ernst Toiler and hi ideology, Iowa City, 1945. IOWA. Universi of Iowa. niversity of rowa: Studies.. Ruinanistic Studies. Vol. 7.
Card ID: 365
Author: ELLIS (Oliver Coligny de Champleur) and KIBIBY (William Anthony)
— • 2POiTQ’ ELLIS (Oliver Coligny de Champleur) and KIBIBY (William Anthony). Flwne...With a plate....diagrams [and a bibliography]. (ieten’s Monograjhs on Chemical Sub.lects) pp. vi. + 106. Tbles. 0 8 . J.,ondon, 1936.
Card ID: 393