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AN Sir George a:on george|k:0917 (256)



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    Author: AN (Sir George)


    • I’4 NEW2AN (Sir George). The Building of a nation’s health. pp. xiii. + 478 + (2j. Portraits and plates. 8°. London, 1.939. a

    Card ID: 453

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    Author: AIY (Sir George Biddeil)


    , •10’) AIY (Sir George Biddeil), K.G.B. Account of the construction of the new national standard of length, and of its principal copies...Prom the Philosophical Transactions [of the Royal Society), for 1857. pp. (2) + 82. Plates and tables. £De.M.] 4. London, 1858.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Biddell)


    AIRY (Sir George Biddell), K.C.B. Essays on the invasion o Britain by Julius Caesar, the invasion of Britain by Plautius, and by Claudius Cwsar, the early military policy of the Romans in Britain, the Battle of Hastings. With correspondence. Collected and printed for private distribution. pp. 61. Maps and tables. 4°. London, 1865.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Biddell)


    - • AIRY (Sir George Biddell), K.C.B. Greenwich Observatory. [A letter addressed to Sir Robert Harry Iriglis. An extract from The Athenum, July 25, 1846.J pp. 760-62. [De Md 40 [London, 18461. inserted in a volume lettered: Railroad proposed near Greenwich Observatory.

    Card ID: 40

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Biddell)


    AIRY (Sir George Biddell), K.C.B. Not1e on Oltmanns’ calculation of the eclipse of Thales. (Reprinted from the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society Vol. XXVII.] pp. 31—38. Tables. [De M. 4°. ELondon), 188. Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George BidcIell)


    -: AIRY (Sir George BidcIell), K.C.B. On the computation of the effect of the attraction of mountain-masses, as disturbing the apparent astronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys. IFrom the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, l85.J pp. 101—104. Diagrams. IDe )t.] 4. [London, 1855].

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: IRY (Sir George Biddell)


    5 ItIRY (Sir George Biddell), K.01B. On the disturbances of pendulums and balances, and on the theory of escpements. From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. pp. 24. Plate. [De V.] 40 Cambridge, 1828.

    Card ID: 51

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Biddell)


    c) AIRY (Sir George Biddell), K.C.B. On the figure of the earth, ..Prom the hu1osophica1 Transactions. pp. (2) + 31. [De 1.] 4. London, 1826.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Bicidell)


    AIRY (Sir George Bicidell), K.C.B. Qi the intensity of light in the neighbourhood of a caustic. [Continued.],.., ,L° [ — Supplement, etc. [Notice, from the Philosophice]. IIagaine,d aerlee, vol. XXXI!!, July- December 1848.] p. (1). [De M.] 0 8 . [London, 1848.]

    Card ID: 59

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    Author: AIRY (Sir George Bidden)


    AIRY (Sir George Bidden), K.04. See LEWIN (.), Barrister—at--Law. The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar. With replies to the remar1s of tbe Ast,ronomer—Royal tG. B. Airy] ,eto Londo 1862.

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: ARTHUR (Sir George)


    ARTHUR (Sir George). 22. FORSY.VH (.W. D.) Governor Arthur’s.convict systecu, Van Dieroen’s land, l824—36: a study in ooloni zation. Iondon, 1935.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: ARTHUR (Sir George)


    ARTHUR (Sir George). See XINGSTON (OflTRIo). Queen’.s University. Bulletin of the Departments Of Ristory and Political and Economic Science, etc. 28. Sir George Arthur and his administration of Upper Canada. B W.Sage. Kingston, 1918.

    Card ID: 321