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AN John flenry a:on john|k:0799 (5)
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AN, John flenry
MAN, John flenry
NEWMAN, John Flenry
ABBEY, Charles John and OVEBTON, John flenry
HUBBACK, John flenryaid, Edith Charlotte
Author: AN (John flenry)
PRA7 N45F 961 NE’iit4AN (John flenry), Cardinal. [Lettera.) The Letters and diaries, etc. [Continued.] 28. Fellow of Trinity. January 1876 to December 1878, (‘ath notes and an introduction by C.S. Dessain and T. Gorriall.) 197k. 29. The Cardinalate. January 1879 to September 1881. (with notes and an introduction by C.S. Dessain and T. Gornafl.) 1976. 30. A Cardinal’s apostolate. October 1881 to December 1884. (With notes and an introduction by C.3. Dessain and T. Gornall.) 1976. [s NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 496
Author: MAN (John flenry)
882 NEdMAN (John flenry), Cardinal. [Sermons. - Parochial and Plain Sermons. - Selection,s.] Selection adapted to the seasons of the ecclesiastical year from the ‘Parochial and plain sermons’. [Edited by W.J.C., i.e. W.J.opeland.]...Second edition. pp.xix, 468. [L.I.] London, 188a.
Card ID: 485
Author: NEWMAN (John Flenry)
i LL- j NEWMAN (John Flenry), Cardin1. See LYRA. Lyra apostolica. Lk’oems by J.W.Bowden, J.R.Newrnan and others.) Derby and London, 1836.
Card ID: 581
Author: ABBEY (Charles John) and OVEBTON (John flenry)
ABBEY (Charles John) and OVEBTON (John flenry). The iglish Church in the eighteenth century...Bevised and abridged. New iaipression. [With a bibliography.J . , pp. xvi. + 495. cmO o . don, l9O.
Card ID: 210
Author: HUBBACK (John flenry)aid (Edith Charlotte)
AAS HUBBACK (John flenry)aid (Edith Charlotte). Jane Austen’s sailor brothers: being the adventures Qf Sir Frncis Ii1uten, G.C.B, Admiral of tbe Fleet, and Rear—Admiral Charles Austen. pp. xiv. + 293. Portraits, plates azid facsimiles. 8. London and New york, 1906.
Card ID: 30