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AN John Till was (john) (56)



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    Author: AN (John Till)


    Malcolm Morley Collection AIiIN8AN (John Till). Mrs. iiggins: a farce in one act. [1877?) oicis (John). Dicks’ 3taxiard Plays, 250.

    Card ID: 601

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    Author: KHAM (John Till)


    Malcolm Morley /) ‘4 Collection ALLflKHAM (John Till). Fortune’s frolic: a farce in. two acts. [i 8’?’?? j DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 193.

    Card ID: 600

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    Author: URRAY (John)


    k!URRAY (John), ub1ishe, A1brir1e Stxeet the LONDON. till.] P.hiobib1pn. Society. Bibliographical ansi historical niscellanies. Vol. 2. (Unpublished letters of Laurence Sterne. [Edited by John Mur’ay, 1) Loncon, 1855—56.

    Card ID: 376

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    Author: CAMPBELL (John)


    CAMPBELL (John), Baron Campbell. The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Normen Conquest till the death of Lord Tenterden...Third edition. 4 vols. 80. London, 1874.

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: BRIOGS (John)


    DEPOSITOF’S BRIOGS (John), General. See NLIJHA.MMAD iaaxit IBfl JTINDU SHAH dlled PXRISHAH, Asthrbadi. History of the r se of the Mahornedan power In India till the year A.D. 1612. translated from the orlglnal Pers±an... by J.Briggs, etc. Calcutta, 1908-10.

    Card ID: 419

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    Author: BROWNLEE (John)


    I BROWNLEE (John). Logflx) from x=1, to 509 by intervals of 0I. Londcm, 1923. See LONDON. till. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.j University of London. University Tlege. Department of Ap1ied StatiEics. Coputin Section. Tracts for Coxuputers. Edited by K. Pearson. No. 9.

    Card ID: 192

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    Author: CAMPBELL (John)


    - AALi / C r- \, j CAMPBELL (John), Baron Campbell. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the / reat Seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV...Fifth edition. 10 vols. Tables. 8°. London, 1868.

    Card ID: 49

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    Author: WORTHINGTON (John)


    TILL]Q ct-’ [i ch] WORTHINGTON (John), D.D. See JESUS CHRIST. [De Initatione Christi.— Exlis.] The Christian’s pattern; or, a Treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ.. .Written originally in Latin by Thomas Kempis. [The translation of F.B., revised by J.Worthington.] To which are added, Meditations end prayers. Lpndp, 1831.

    Card ID: 167

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    Author: ASGILL (John)


    C D’ru - Ccit) ASGILL (John). An Argument proving, that according to the covenant of eternal life revealed in the Scriptures, man may be tran.slated from hence into that eternal life, without passing through death, aitho the human nature of Christ himself could not be thus translated till he had passed through death. [Signed: J.Asgill.J pp. 103 [or rather 75]. [D.—r,.L,J 8°. [London], 1700. The pagation is irregular. Bound in a volume lettered: Defoe’s Works. Miscellaneous Tracts.

    Card ID: 584

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    Author: KERTOT (John)


    p% PI!KERTOT (John). c Ancient Scotish poems never before in print, but now published from the MS. collect.ons of Sir Richard Maitland...Couiprising pieces written from about lLi.20 till 1586. [Edited by J. Pinkerton.) With...notes and a glossary. Prefixed are an essay on the origin of Scotish poetry, a list of all the Scotish poets...and an appendix is added containing.., an account of the contents of the MaitJ.and and Bannatyne SS. 2 vols. Facsimile. 8°. London, 178G. The pagination is continuous throughout the two volumes.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: SCOTT (John Waugh)


    : / 1’I SCOTT (John Waugh). See LONDON. till.) Aristotelian Socie1 Proceedings, —A Synoptic index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1900— 1949. Edited by J.W.Scott. Oxford, 1954.

    Card ID: 505

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    Author: GADD (Cyril John)


    f LJC UR Bm GADD (Cyril John). The Inscriptions from Al ‘Ubaid and their significance. See LONDON. till.] British Museum. Joint Expedition of the British Mu6eurn and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Iesopotamia. Ur ecavations. No. 1, pp. 125—46. [London, Oxford printed,] 1927.

    Card ID: 244