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AN John Noel a:is john|k:0661 (5)
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AN, John Noel
EARBER, John Ibcrg Noel
NOEL, Sidney John Roderick
SCOVILLE, John Watson and SARGENT, Noel
LEWIS, John Noel Claude and SMITH, Edwin
Author: AN (John Noel)
REEDAtAN (John Noel) A Report on a survey of licensing in Sheffield. [Sheffield], 1931. SHEFFIELD. Sheffield Socia_Suvey Conmittee. Survey Pamphlets. 3.]
Card ID: 294
Author: EARBER (John Ibcrg Noel)
orn’v 1 r EARBER (John Ibcrg Noel). The War of the running dogs: ho 1aya defeated the Communist guerffls, 19I8-6O. pp • 28i.. Bibi., p1ate and end.peper rriap. London, 197]..
Card ID: 497
Author: NOEL (Sidney John Roderick)
NCBV Noe NOEL (Sidney John Roderick). Politics in NewIoundland, (canadian Government Series, 17.) pp. x, 328. Toronto and Btztfalo, 1971.
Card ID: 58
Author: SCOVILLE (John Watson) and SARGENT (Noel)
3333 NEJ Sco SCOVILLE (John Watson) and SARGENT (Noel). Fact and fancy in the T.N.E.C. Monographs: revievs of the 34.3 monographs issued by the Temporary National Econcunic Committee. Compiled by John Scoville arid Noel Sargent. New York, 19!42. See UNITE STAT OF A]ICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. NatIonal Association of Manufanturers.
Card ID: 7
Author: LEWIS (John Noel Claude) and SMITH (Edwin)
VQ • Lew LEWIS (John Noel Claude) and SMITH (Edwin). The Graphic reproduction and photo graphy of works of art. pp. i44. Plates and illus. London, 1969.
Card ID: 214