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AN Cohn a:on peter|k:is (peter) (7)
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AN, Cohn
PLATT, Cohn Peter She rard
HAINING, peter
KARMEL, peter Rrvey
No Author available
Author: AN (Cohn)
folio 3 MWFM licu Buci1AN (Cohn) AND PARTNERS. Ashford study: connultants’ proposals for designation. A report to the Minister of Mousing and Local Government by Cohn auchanan and Partners in association with Economic Consultants Limited, John Taylor and Sons, Cyril Sweett and Partners, Peter Youngman. fol. London, 1967. See ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. !tinistry of Housing and Local Government.
Card ID: 248
Author: PLATT (Cohn Peter She rard)
t’LIt 11 PLATT (Cohn Peter She rard). Medieval archaeology in England: a guide to the historical sources. tPinhorns J1andboo1cs, 5.) pp. 32. Shaifleet Nanor, I.o.W., 1969.
Card ID: 12
Author: HAINING (peter)
Harry Price Lira H PaL tEsinirl8) ‘or efrencc Jriy HAINING (Peter). The Magicians: the occult in tact and fiction. [An antiology.] Edited by Peter Haining. Introduction by Cohn Wilson. pp.219. New York, 1972.
Card ID: 393
Author: KARMEL (peter Rrvey)
KARMEL (peter Rrvey). See HAROURT (Geoffrey Cohn). Economic activity. Dy G.C.Harcourt, P.H.Karmel (and] RH. Wallace. 8°. Cnibridge, 1967.
Card ID: 200
Author: No Author available
Hou’ ENGLAIW. Departments of State and Official Thdies. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Ashford study: consultants’ proposals for designation. A report to the Minister of Howing and Local Government. by Cohn Buchanan and -Partners in association with Economic Cons pitents LinIte&, John Taylor and Sons, Cyril Sweett and Partners, Peter Yoimwnan. pp • xii • + 87. Maps, diagrams, charts and tables. fri. London, 1967.
Card ID: 436
025 LYancaaterJ (P.C.) LANCASTER. University of Lancaster. Library. Occsiona1 papers1etc. [Continued.] 8. The Use of gaming in education for library management: final report on a research project. By Jeannette Daly with Geoffrey Ford, Anthony Hindle, Peter Brophy, Michael K. ckland axid A. Graham Mackenzie. 1976. 9. uropean acquisitions and their bibliographical control: proceedings of an exchange of experience seminar at St Antony’ College, Oxford, 26 Iarch, 1974. Edited by Cohn te’le and Gregory walker. 1975. [s NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 53
OZ’5.S (MAtt:J Cc!o.) Rq -c- BRITISH NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. MARC Documentation Service. Publications. [Continued.] 2. MARC II Specifications, March 1969. (Supplement to the ‘MARC record service proposaist.) 1969. 3. Precis: a rotated subject index system. (Supplement.) By Derek Austin & Peter Butcher. 1969. .. Input: a generalised ISH 360 file handling system, J.T.Heath and Cohn Townsend. 1971. 5. Description of the BNBA4ARC record: a manual of practice. By Michael Gorman, with the assistance of John E.Linford. 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 17