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ALLEN Louis a:l john|k:to (john) (5)
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ALLEN, Louis
GINSBERG, Allen and GINSBERG, louis
ALLEN, Eugene Thomas and DAY, Arthur Louis
DAY, Arthur Louis and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas
Author: ALLEN (Louis)
PRA7 NL5F 975 ALLEN (Louis), M.A. See N4MA14 (John Henry), (rdina1. [Letters. 3 John Henry Newmn and the Abbe Jager: a controversy on scripture and tradition [in letterB published in L’Ljnivers and Le Moniteur religieux], 183t..1836. Edited from the oriina1 manuscripts and the French version by Louis Allen. London, 1975.
Card ID: 381
CR ALLEN (Louis), M.A. ACI JAGER (Jeaz Nicholas), AbW. 0 19 713138 7
Card ID: 360
Author: GINSBERG (Allen) and GINSBERG (louis)
Music Library Music Liorary p 198 For reference only GINSBERG (Allen) and GINSBERG (louis). [Gramophone Records.J The Ginsbergs at the I.C.A. A reading given at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1ondon...on 22nd August 196?. 3aga. Mono. PSY 30002. This record may be heard in the Music Library.
Card ID: 440
Author: ALLEN (Eugene Thomas) and DAY (Arthur Louis)
-Pos IT, ALLEN (Eugene Thomas) and DAY (Arthur Louis).. Hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park... Zlicroscopic examinations by H. E. MerWin. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 4bb.) pp. xviii. + 25. Frontispiece) i1lustrations2 diagram) charts and tables. 40. Washington, I93.
Card ID: 261
Author: DAY (Arthur Louis) and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas)
DEPOSITO R’( DAY (Arthur Louis) and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas). The Isomorphism arid thermal properties of the feldspars. Part 1. Thermal study. [By) A.L.Day and B.T.Aflen. Part 2. Optical study. [By] J.P.Iddiigs. With an introduction by G.F.Becker. (Qarne e Ins t o :.•. Washingtçn. Pub1Ication No. 31. pp. 95. Plates,,. diagrm5 nd tpbles. 8°. Washingti, 1905.
Card ID: 15