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ALLEN John a:on john|k:0799 (26)



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    Author: ALLEN (John)


    ALLEN (John), A.M., Rector f Eastwik, Hertf.ordshiro A ermon [on Titus ii.15] preach’d in Lambeth— -‘hapel, on Sunday, Decemb.28,1740, at the consecretion of the Right Reverend...John Lord. Bishop of Landaff, pp. 23. 40• I!Qndon,1741. Bound in a volurne lettered: Sermons. Y.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: ALLEN (John)


    YX7 All ALLEN (John), Writer on the Theatre. Great naonlent2 in the theatre. . . Illustrated by Joanna Riley. pp.126. London, 1958.

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: ALLEN (John)


    0I ALLEN (John), the Younser, of Herefo. Bibliotheca Herefordiensis; or, a Descriptive catalogue of books, pamphlets, maps, prints, &c. &c. relating to the county of Hereford. pp. xii. + 118. 40• flereforô, 182]. [18221.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: ALLEN (Alfred John)


    ALLEN (Alfred John). The English voter. (New Science Series.) pp. xiii. + 258. Bibliographynp, chs,rts and tables. 8°. London, 19611. Wis WORK IS NOT TN THE t. ny readcc kcving cd a copy for 1e a5kd to infurrü rh Ubriaa.

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: ALLEN (John Robins)


    ALLEN (John Robins). Heating and air conditioning. [By] J.R.Allen, J.H.Walker, J.W.James. Sixth edition, fourth impression. [With bibliographies.] pp. vii. + 667. charts and tables. 8°. hew Yorlc arid Lond, 1946.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: ALLEN (John Romilly)


    f cx4 Soc Reference only ALLEN (John Romilly). The Early Christian monuments of Scotland: a classified, illustrated, descriptive list of the monuments, with an analysis of their symbolism and ornamentation, at. £dlnbur, 1903. EDIN BU RGLI. & ci&jof An tjua rj.

    Card ID: 362

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    Author: ALLEN (John William)


    DEPOSiTORY 4ALLEN (John William). The Plaoe of hiatbry in eduoation. pp. vii. + 258. 8°. Edinbrirh & London, 1909.

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: ALLEN (John William)


    ALLEN (John William). The Poll t,ieal conoeptions o Luther. (F Tudor studieg,eto. pp. 90—108. LLQfldOfl, 19M.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: BROWN (John Allen)


    MWEEIF 3 ‘o BROWN (John Allen). Palolithic man in N.W. rniddlesex: the evidence of his existence and the physical conditions under which he lived in Ealing and its neigh— bourhood, illustrated by the condition and culture presented by certain existing ev— ages, etc. pp. iii. ÷ 227. Plates and diajzram. 8°. London, 1887.

    Card ID: 288

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    Author: GILES (John Allen)


    PMN 45 GILES (John Allen). Oddex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti. The uncanonical Gospels and other writings, referring to the first ages of Christianity, in the original languages. Collected together from the editions of Fabricius, Thilo, and others by the Rev. Dr. Giles. 2 parts. CG.G.J 8°. London, i82.

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: GILES (John Allen)


    GILES (John Allen). Hebrew records: an historical enquiry concerning the age, author ship, and authenticity of the Old Testament ...Second edition. pp. 355. [G.G.J London, 1g53.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: ES (John Allen)


    M’1I1ik GII,ES (John Allen). History of the Ancient Britons, from the earliest, period to the invasion of the Saxons. Compiled from the oriina1 authorities. (Vol. 2. Appendix of original doouraents.) 2 vols. tL. LI 8°. London 184?.

    Card ID: 369