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ALL Edward a:be john|k:are (john) (6)



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    Author: ALL (Edward)


    Malcolm Morley BALL, afterwards YLTZiALL (Edward). The Daughter of the regiment: a drama in two acts. [p886.] See flICKS (John). flicks’ standard plays, 761.

    Card ID: 363

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    Author: HYDE (Edward)


    r’qo OL HYDE (Edward), !t.Ear.l of Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion, ç. [Continued.] —Clarendon and VThitloàk compar-’d. To which is...added, a comparison between the History of the Rebellion and other histories of the Civi] War, proving...that the editors of the Lord Clarendon’s History have hardly left one fact, or one character: on the Parliament side fairly represented; that the characters are all satire, or panegyrick...By the author of the Critical history of England, &c. [John Oldmixon]. pp. xxxix. + 544 + 18). 8°. London, 1727.

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: TRUSSELL (John)


    Ct1c [‘r-LLl TRUSSELL (John). i A Continuation of the Collection of the history of England, beginning where Samuel Daniell ended, with the raigne of Edward the Third, and ending where the honourable Vicount Saint Albones began, with the life of Henry the Sev’enth...With the matches and issue of all the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and vicounts of this nation, deceased, during those times. By I.T. (Iohn Trussell). pp. (8) + 260. f 01. Printed by M.D11awsonj for Ephraim Dawson: London, 1636. ISEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: BALL (John)


    L- c BALL (John), a Puritan Divii. A TreatIse o1 faith, diulded into two parts, the first, shewing the nature, the second, the life of faith, both tending to direct the wealce Christian how he may possesse the whole Word of God as his owrie,, ouercome temptations, better his obedience, and hue comfortably in all estates...The second edition, corrected and enlarged. [With a preface sined: Richard Sibbés.] pp. (36) + 428 + (50). :rD.—L.Lj 8°. printed b1 grge 1ihier for Edward I3rewster: London, 1632. Pp. 70—71 and 74—75 are incorrectly numbered and 66—à7 respectively. The titlepage has a wc rder. [SEE iEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 421

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    Author: No Author available


    LtL L. ( SUCKLING (Sir John). Pragmenta Aurea. A collection of all the incomparable peeces written by Sir John Suckling, and published by a friend to perpetuate his memory. Printed by his ovine copies. L. parts in 1 vol. Portrait. [D.—L.L.j 8°. London, l6L.8. The second edition. The portrait of the author is engraved by William Marshall. This cov has the sigiature of Catharine Knatchbull (d. 1755), afterwards wife of Sir George Rooke, and that of Edward tiugessen Inatchbu1l—Hugeisen, Baron Braborne, on the flyleaf, and the book— label of Henry Yates Thompson.

    Card ID: 570

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    Author: No Author available


    ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D’flSTOIRE DES IDS. Archives internationales d’hi6toire des Series mipqr. (f’. CVolumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] 1. JANF.S (Edward Donald). Pierre Nicole, Janseniet and4 humanist: a study of his thought. 1972. ,,.. p 2. SILVBL.TT (Bette Gros). The Maxisis in the novels i of Duclos. 1972. 3. ALL CE. John B.) Post and courier service in the diplomacy of early modern Europe. 1972. , 4. GREY (Ernest). Guevara, a forgotten renaissance authcr. 1973. 5. THOMPSON (Iichard H.) Lothar Franz von Schnborn and — the diplomacy of the E]t.nrate of Mainz, from the treaty of Ryawicl o the outbreak of the War of the Spani uccession. 1973.

    Card ID: 304