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ALEYN Charles in (charles) (2)



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    Author: ALEYN (Charles)


    6< v 0 ALEYN (Charles). The Ba.ttai.les of Crescey arid Poictiers, vnder the fortunes and valour .01’ king Edward the third...and his sonne Edward prince of Wales, named the Black. [A poern.I The second edition, enlarged. pp. (6) + 125. [D.—L.L.] 8°. Printed by T. Harper forT. Knight: London, 1633.

    Card ID: 87

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    Author: No Author available


    1jLLC,vo.Ij 1)VLc. ALEYN (Charles). The Historie of that wise and fortunate Prince, Henrie of that name the Seventh, King of England. With that famed battaile, fought betweene the said King Henry and Richard the third named Crookbacke, upon Redmoore neere Bosworth. In a poeni.. pp. (4) + i6 ftrai. (D.L.L.) 8°. Printed y T. Cotes fc W. Cooke: Lonn, i658. p. 45 and 48 are numbered respectively 47 and 5Q.

    Card ID: 88