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ALEXANDER David a:an david|k:0090 (7)
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CALDER, David Alexander
LINDSAY, David Alexander flktward
DSAY, David Alexander Edward
LINDSAY, David Robert Alexander
ILLER, David Alexander
LOW, Sir David Alexander jeoi
Author: ALEXANDER (David)
folio 53 DRI Ale ALEXANDER (David). Loose boundary hydraulics applied to simulation Of channel morphology. (Universir CoUege London. Departmnt of Geography. Occasional. Paper, 33.) th. 4. ibl. end dlags. London, 1978,
Card ID: 359
Author: CALDER (David Alexander)
J- C&iuft CALDER (David Alexander). See LONDON. [III.] Rya1 Institute of Chemistry. Lecture series. 1962. 1. Nomograms for chemists. By A.B.Calder and DA. Calder. Londofl, 1962.
Card ID: 99
Author: LINDSAY (David Alexander flktward)
LINDSAY (David Alexander flktward), 27th Earl of Crawford and. 1,Balcarre s. STRONG (S.A.) Critical studies and fragments,.- With a ntenioir by Lord Balcarres, etc. London, 1905.
Card ID: 238
Author: DSAY (David Alexander Edward)
LI!DSAY (David Alexander Edward), 27th Earl o Crawford & lOtIT Earl oI Balcarce, See WIGAfl. 4gun Public :Librarie8. Calendar of the Standish deeds, l23O—].7,. ...With a foreword by the Earl of Crawford and alcarres. V.’ian, 1933.
Card ID: 239
Author: LINDSAY (David Robert Alexander)
ü’° LINDSAY (David Robert Alexander) , 28th Earl of Crawford and 11th Earl of Bal. eres. LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Naona1 Art—Collections Fund. Art treasures for the nation...Intro— ductlon by the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, c. Lopr’, 1953.
Card ID: 241
Author: ILLER (David Alexander)
:i —‘ LOCK14ILLER (David Alexander). Enoch H.Crowder: soldier, lawyer and statesman. L4ith a bib1iography. j pp. 286. Portraits and 1ates. oluinbia. 1issouri, 1955. COLUi’L3L (14IS3OUki). University of 12issouri. he University of Missouri studies. Vol.27.
Card ID: 110
Author: LOW (Sir David Alexander jeoi1)
C1Ec LOW (Sir David Alexander jeoi1) Europe since Versailles: a history in one hundred cartoons with a narrative text. (Penguin Books.) pp. 206 + (2). o1. 8°. Harzaond sworth and New York, 1940.
Card ID: 13