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ALEMBERT Jean a:in jean|k:0746 (7)
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ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond d’
ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d’
DIDEROT, Denis and ALEMBERT, Jean- Le -Bond di
DIDEROT, Denis and ALEMBERT, Jean LeRond di
DIDEROT, Denis and ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond d’
DIDEROT, Defli and ALEMBERT, Jean ,e Rond d’
Author: ALEMBERT (Jean)
LE ROND tALEMBERT (Jean). See ALEMRERT (Jean Le Rond d’).
Card ID: 200
Author: ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d’)
?- /‘ ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d’). Histoire des membres de 1’Académie françoise, morts depuis 1700. jusqu’en 1771, etc. VoIs. 1, 3—6. 12°. Paris and Amsterdam, 1787. Ierfect wanting vo] 2 and second tit1epae of vol. 14
Card ID: 79
Author: ALEMBERT (Jean Le Rond d’)
ALEMBERT (Jean Le Rond d’). [For editions of and works relating to the “Encyc1op4dIe by Denis Diderot and J.Le R.d’Alembert:] See DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean Le R d’)
Card ID: 87
Author: DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean- Le -Bond di)
DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean- Le -Bond di). [Encyc1op4di. — Extracts.] Select essays from the. Encyclopedy, being the most curious, entertaining, and instructive parts of that very extensive work, written by Mallet, Diderot, d’Alembert, and others, the most celebrated writers of the age. pp. (4) + iv. + (2) + 372. 8°. London, 1772.
Card ID: 466
Author: DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean LeRond di)
DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean LeRond di). [Encyclopedic. - tracts.) Le Philosophe: texts and interpretation. By H.Dieckitiann. [The text of the article tiPhilosophell from the I!Encyclopédiet together with three versions of the work from other sources and a discussion of its authorship and influence. Variously attribtzted to D.Diderot azd others.] 1948. • SAINT LOUIS (MIsSOURI). Washington University. Washington Univeity studies. New series. Language and literature. No. 18.
Card ID: 468
Author: DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d’)
DIDEROT (Denis) and ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond d’). fEncy-c1opdie.- Appendix.] See flU MONT (Madeleine M.) An Investigation o± the educational theories of the icyc1opedists. 1950.
Card ID: 472
Author: DIDEROT (Defli8) and ALEMBERT (Jean 2,e Rond d’)
DIDEROT (Defli8) and ALEMBERT (Jean 2,e Rond d’). LEncyciopdie.— Mpendix.) See hUBERT (Rena). Lea Sciences sociales dana 1’Encyc1opdie: la phiosophie de l’hietoire et le prob1me des originee sociales. Paris, 1923.
Card ID: 475