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ALCOCK, Thomas and WILMOT, John
Author: ALCOCK (Thomas) and WILMOT (John)
ALCOCK (Thomas) And Wilmot (John), Earl of Rochester. The Famous patho1oist; or, the Noble mountebank...Now for the first time printed from the original manuscript And edited, with an introduction And commentary, by V. de Sola Pinto. (Nottingham University Miscellany, 1.) pp. 42. Portrait And facsimiles. 8°. Nottingham, 1961.
Card ID: 208
Author: JVILMOT (John)
yJVILMOT (John), Earl of flocIester. See ALCOCK (Thomas) And Wilmot (John), Earl of Rochester. The Famous pathologist; or, the Noble mountebink...Now for the first time printed from the original manuscript end edited, with an introduction And commentary, by V. de Sola Pinto. Nottingham, 1961.
Card ID: 395