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AKESPEAR William it (william) (3)



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    Author: AKESPEAR (William)


    511AKESPEAR (William). [The Phoenic arid the Turtle.— English and German. I Phnix und Taube: zur Interpretation von Shakespeare’s Gedankenwelt von H.Straumann. [With the text and German translation by H.Feist.J pp. 63. 8°. Z’lricb, 1953.

    Card ID: 165

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    Author: AKESPEAR (William)


    S1-1AKESPEAR (William), AppenUix.— Criticism.] See WOBDSWORTH (C.), Bisho? o the Scotch Epis— copalChurchi Saint Andrews, Dunkeld, and Dunbiane. On Shakspeare’s knowledge and. use or the Bible, etc. London, 1864. i.’O4 0oIT” 0i41_Y — Fourth edition, revised. London and Sydney, 1892.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: AKESPEAR (William)


    ‘—S — I f i ‘ SflAKESPEAR (William), [Works. —: 1723.] The Works of Shakespear, j. [Continued.) The seventh vo1une. Containing Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, and Mr. Shakespear1s miscellany poems. To which is prefix’d, An essay on the art, rise, and progress of the stage, ‘in Greece,. Rome, and England [by C.Gildon],”and a glossary of the old words used in’these works. The whole revis’d and correctd, with a preface, by Dr. Sewell. pp. lvii. + 454. 4. London, 1725. This volume w as a-supplement to Popo’s edition.

    Card ID: 22