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AIRE, John
AIRE, François Marie Arouet de
Author: AIRE (John)
Ps9 AIRE (John), Minister of St. John’s Chae1q HamDstea BECON (Thomas). The Early works of Thomas Becon, S.T.P.., chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, prebendary of Canterbury, &c., being the treatises published by bin in the reign of ICing Henry VIII. Edited for the Parker Society by J.Ayre. Cambridge, 1845.
Card ID: 112
Author: AIRE (François Marie Arouet de)
,T F k• t 1OL1’AIRE (François Marie Arouet de). LAppendix.] MORLEY (John), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn. Voltaire. . . Second edition, revised. London, 1872. - çrp _, I lAnotner edition.] 14o-- London and New York, 1893.
Card ID: 309