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AIR Victor a:in victor|k:in (victor) (4)
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AIR, Victor
JMANN, Victor
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Author: AIR (Victor)
Harry Price Library For Reference Only SAINT ChAIR (Victor), pseud. [i.e. George Waldo BROWNE.) The Boy conjurer; or, Zig Zag’s adventures. pp. 340. 0 8 . New York, [1894].
Card ID: 609
Author: JMANN (Victor)
SCHtJMANN (Victor). On the absorption and emission of air and. its ingredients for light of wavelengths from 25O to 1OOe-- ‘Hodgkins Pund. pp. iv. + 30. Plates. Wa9hington, 1903. See WASHINGTON (COLTThI3IA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. XXIX. article 9. no. 1413,
Card ID: 84
Author: No Author available
DEPOFtORY GONZ7LE2 (Joaquin Victor). he 1ationa1 TJniversity of La Plata: report relative to its foundation. . . Translated by G. Wilson—Rae. (entine Reub1jo. Technical Library of the Deartment oJustice and PublIc Eduoat1oñ Vol. I.) vi. + 237. Plaes. 8. Bunos Air, 19o8.
Card ID: 436
GLASGOW University of Glasw. Deprtnrit of.. Soois].and Economic Research. Occasional papers. [Volumes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.) 1. BAIRD (Robert), M.A. • LL.B. The Effects upon rate poundages of the ownership and occupation of rateable property 1 - by local authorities in Scotland and England. 11949.) 2. BELL (Joseph Denis Milburn). Industrial unioniam: a critical analysis. [1949]. 4. BELL (Joseph Denis Milburn). The Strength of trade unionism - 0 in Scotland. 1950, TtL aspects of the industriel(P.C..l) nalysis of tie industrial rsons in Scotland, parts Land and Wales in 1947. 1951. C7? y’yri 3. HIGHET (John). broadcasting. Scotland on the air: aspects of Scottish 1949. 5. LESER (Conrad Emanuel Victor). Some structure of Scotland: distribution of insured of Scotland and region
Card ID: 469