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ADLER Elkan Nathan a:e |k:e (or) (4)
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ADLER, Elkan Nathan
Author: ADLER (Elkan Nathan)
EPOSITQR ADLER (Elkan Nathan). The Adler papyri; the Greek texts edited by E.N.Adler, J.G.Tait and.F.M.Heichelheim, the Demotic texts by... .F.L. Griffith. . With. . plates f and a..bibli.ography].. pp. viii. + ii8. + 16 plates. [p.M.L.1 4°.London, 1939.
Card ID: 171
‘ADLER (Elkan Nathan) Auto de fé and Jew. [With bibliographies.] pp. 195. Facsimiles and tabJ.esL. 8°. Londø, 1908.
Card ID: 172
ADLER (Elkan Nathan). Essays presented to Elkan Nathan Adler on his eightieth birthday. (Part 1.) London, 1 942. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions,. Societies, etc.] Jewish Hiorcal Society of England. Miscellanies. Part 4.
Card ID: 173
L Li’ ADLER (Elkan Nathan). Jewish travellers. Edited, with an introduction, by E. N. Adler. (The Broadway frave1lers.) pp. xxiv. + 391. Plates. 0 8 . London, [1930.]
Card ID: 175