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ADDINGTON Henry a:addington henry|k:0005 (6)



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    Author: ADDINGTON (Henry)


    ADDINGTON (Henry), Viscount idrnoh. The Crisis of the sugar colonies; or, An Enquiry into the objects and probable effects of the French expedition to the West Indies.. in four letters to...H. Addington. f By James Stephen.] London, 1802. See WEST INDIES.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: ADDINGTON (Henry)


    U:’197, rADDINGTON (Henry), Viscount Sidmoth. A Few cui’sory remarks upon the state of parties during the administration of the Right Honour- able Henry Addington. By a near observer [T.R.Bentley]. Second edition. pp. 81. 8°. London, 1803. 24. [Another copy.) Bound in a volume lettered: Political view of Great Britain, 1SQ3-18O+. [SQenext card:]

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: ADDINGTON (Henry)


    - - — 2 ;e a-2 ADDINGTON (Henry), Viscount Sidmouth. A Few cursory remarks upon the state of parties, c.. [Continued:) —The Third edition, corrected. pp. iii. + 8i-. 8°. London, 1803. Imperfect; wanting po.i.—ii., Drobably the half-title. —Ninth edition, corrected. pp. 8. 8°. London, 1803. Boqjid in a_volume lettered: Pamphlets. Political. i12—1 835.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: ADDINGTON (Henry)


    2Lc) ADDINGTON (Henry), Viscount Sidmouth. A Few cursory remarks, etc. J -A Plain answer, etc. -—--- —A Plain reply to the pamphlet calling itself a Plain answer Iby T.P. Courtenay]: being a more fair state of the question between the late and, the Fesent ministers. [By.obert Bisset.J pp. (4) + 104. 80. london, 1804. Bound in a volume lettered: Po1itica1 view of Greet Britain, l803-l3O.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: ADDINGTON (henry)


    ADDINGTON (henry), Viscount SidJflouth.’ A Pew cursory remarks, etc. [Continued.) The Re1y of a near observer [R.Bentley?) to some of the answerers of the cursory remarks, p. 102. 8. London, 1804. Bound in a volume lettered: “Political view of Greet Britain, 1B03-18O4.’ [Another copy.] 4Lrc. Bound in a volume lettered: “pamphlets. Po1itio].1 J.722—J.85.”

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: ADDINGTON (Henry)


    SIDMOUTH, Henry, See ADDINGTON (Henry), Viscount Sidmouth.

    Card ID: 163