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ADAMSON John a:i i john|k:on (john) (5)
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ADAMSON, John William
ADAMSON, John yrjj
Author: ADAMSON (John)
IsI ADAMSON (John), ES.A. - BIblIotheca LusItana; or, Catalogue of books and tracts, relatIng to the hIstory, lIterature and poetry of Portugal, formIng part of the lIbrary of John Adamson. pp. Iv. + 115. IllustratIons and tables. 0 8 . Newcastle—on—Tyne, prIvately prInted, 1836. WIth a vIgnette on the tItlepa
Card ID: 379
- L (I ADAMSON (John), P.S.A. See C.U1OES (LuIs de). [Lusfdas.-En1Ish.) The LusIad...Books I. to V...WIth notes by J. Aaweor. London, 1853.
Card ID: 380
Author: ADAMSON (John William)
‘ J ADAMSON (John WIllIam). EnglIsh educatIon, 1789—1902. pp. x. + 519. O CambrIdge, 1930. SubmItted for the degree of D.LIt. In the UnIversIty of London, 193I. [Another copy. J TLy:. 1. 1k.
Card ID: 384
ADAMSON (John WIllIam). A GuIde to the hIstory of educatIon. (llelpa for Students of HIstory, 24.) pp. 47. London and New York 1920.
Card ID: 385
Author: ADAMSON (John yrj11j)
ADAMSON (John yrj11j). Ow, dereôtIve system of traInIng teaoIIrs. pp. 16. 8°. L dcIII 1904.
Card ID: 386