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ADAMS Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (4)



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    Author: ADAMS (Arthur)


    ADAMS (Arthur), Ph.D., Yale. Cheshire Visitation pedigrees, 1663. Londpn, 1941. See LONDON. [III. Atiscellaneous Institutions. Societies, Harleian Sociey. Publications. [Ordinary.] Vol. 93.

    Card ID: 25

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    Author: ADAMS (Arthur Frederick)


    Cciao-4i fr{ ADAMS (Arthur Frederick). Terra cotta of the Italian Renaissance. [200 photographs by A.F.Adams.J pp. viii. fol. Derby, 1928.

    Card ID: 35

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    Author: ADAMS (Arthur Avery) and CARTER (Charles Frederick)


    Li? ADAMS (Arthur Avery) and CARTER (Charles Frederick). Seasonal adjustments of time series required for economic forecasting, etc. [with a short bibliography.] pp. Cambridge, 1956. See CA1cBRIDGE. University of Cambridge. Department of lid Economics. Reprint series, 11LL.

    Card ID: 27

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    Author: LOEB (Leonard Benedict) and ADAMS (Arthur Stanton)


    L ‘e LOEB (Leonard Benedict) and ADAMS (Arthur Stanton). The Development of physical thought: a survey course of modern physics. [With a bibliography.1 pp. xiv. ÷ 648. fljustrations, diagrams, charts and tables. 80. Nw York and Lodo, 1933.

    Card ID: 369