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ABBOTT Edwin Abbott a:p will|k:p (will) (8)
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ABBOTT, Edwin Abbott
ABBOTT, Edwin Abbott,
BOTT, Edwin Abbott
Author: ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott)
c4 ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott). FJ.atland: a ronance of many dimensions. With illustrations by the author, A Square. [By E.A.Abbott.] London, 1834. SQUARE.
Card ID: 351
ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott). On the teaching of Latin verse composition. See EVE (H.W.) Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education... by H.W.Eve, A.Sidgwick, and E.A.Abbott. Cambrig and London, 1383.
Card ID: 359
Y U fl’ ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott). A Shakespearian grammar: an attempt to i1lustrate some of the differences between Elizabethan and modern English for the use of schools. pp. viii. + 136. 8°. LondQn, 1869. p —- New edition [i.e. third edition, repMntedj.j pp. xxiv. + 511. 8°. London, i886. S3. ociirv [A reprint.) pp. xxiv. + 511. 8°.ndon and New York, jSEE NE)T CARP. J
Card ID: 363
ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott). Through nature to Christ; or, The Ascent of worship through illusion to the truth. pp. xi. ÷ 460. rL.W.L.] 8°. ndon, 1877.
Card ID: 366
ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott). See SPELDING (J.) The Late3t t,heory about Bacon. LA criticism of the biography in E.A. Abbott’s edition of Bacont sEsaa’s.j London, 1876:
Card ID: 371
Author: ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott,)
ABBOTT (Edwin Abbott,) and SELEY John Robert>K.M4 English lessons for English people... Seventeenth thousand. pp. xxiii. + 292. EL.W.L.] 8°. Bondori 1894.
Card ID: 372
Author: ABBOTT (Edwin)
3YK P76a Refer ence only Abb ABBOTT (Edwin), Heed School, London. A Concordance to the works of Alexander Pope... With an introduction by .A. Abbott. pp. xviii. ÷ 365 + (1). 0 8 iondo, i375.
Card ID: 348
Author: BOTT (Edwin Abbott)
BOTT (Edwin Abbott). Phi1ochristu. Memoirs of a disciple of the Lorô.. [By E.J.Abbott.J London, 1878. , PHILOC1ISTUS.
Card ID: 360