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AAL Johannes aal (johannes) (3)
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AAL, Johannes
GRAAF, Johannes Gerardus Adrianus do
No Author available
Author: AAL (Johannes)
AAL (Johannes). Tragoedia Johamiis des Täufers von J. Aal in Solothurn,eto. Halle—on-the—Saale, 1929. BRATJNE (w.) eudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke ,eto. Nos.263-267.
Card ID: 73
Author: GRAAF (Johannes Gerardus Adrianus do)
AAL’LC(: t 1 GRAAF (Johannes Gerardus Adrianus do). Het Verband tusson do warnte—overgaiag en do stromingsverschi jnselen. in gesloten spouwen. The relation between the heat trinsfer and the oonvection phenomena in enclosed plane air laers, etc. f With a bibliography and a summary in English. Doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Utrecht.} pp. 82. Plates. diagrams charts and tables. 8°. Utrecht, 1952.
Card ID: 147
Author: No Author available
LkLc.t .Lt’i. 7 i92.2 SLOOFF (Johannes Petrus). Ret Ventrikel—electrogram van kikvorsch en aal onder invloed van radio—actieve atomen, c. [With bibliographies. Submitted to the University of Utrecht for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.] pp. (10) + 56. Diagrarns and tables. 8°. tJtrecht, 1922.
Card ID: 516