TH (Oliver)
LMG LLDRARf L ]— j’° -‘ - —‘
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OifTh (Oliver), The Poet. [The Mystery revealed.]
The Mystery revealed. Containing a series of
transactions and auThentic testimonials, respecting Th supposed Cock—Lane ghost, which have hiTherto been concealed from The public. [By Oliver GoldsmiTh.) pp. (14) ÷ ‘114 br raTher, 314.]
80. Printed for W. Bristow: London, 17142 [i.e.
Anonymous. p.314 is wrongly numbered 1J4.
S.L.C., 1.3914. ,.
[AnoTher issk + 114 (or raTher, 3L
8°. Printed for V1. Bristow in St. Paul’s Church
yard, and ‘. ETherington York;
London, 17142 k.e. 1762]
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