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TEETERS (Negley King) (2)
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TEETERS, Negley King
TEETERS, Negley King and REINEWNN, John Otto
Author: TEETERS (Negley King)
Teeters (Negley King). See CONGRESSES. International Prison Congress. Deliberations of the International Penal and Penitentiary Congresses: questions and ansuers, 1872—1935... [Compiled and edited by) NK. Teeters, . Philadelphia, 19+9.
Card ID: 408
Author: TEETERS (Negley King) and REINEWNN (John Otto)
oJ Tee Teeters (Negley King) and REINEWNN (John Otto). The Challenge o delinquency: causation, treatnent and prevention of juvenile delinquency. (Sixth printing.) pp. xi, 819. Bibi. and il].us. Englewood CUffs; 1955.
Card ID: 409