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SYNGE (John Millington) (8)
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SYNGE, John Millington
Author: SYNGE (John Millington)
qg Synge (John Millington). 7Z1 In Vick1ow, Weat Kerry and Connexnara. pp. (8) + 245. 8. london, 1929.
Card ID: 282
Synge (John Millington). Poems and translations. pp, 62. o . London, 1951.
Card ID: 287
PU6GC 971 Synge (John Millington). Some sonneta from ‘Iura in death’ after the Italian of Francesco Petrarch ([by] J.MSynge. Alcuiii sonetti da ‘laura in norte con vera lane inglesi da J.M.Synge. Edited wIth an Introduction by Robin Skelton.) [Dublin], 1971. See PETRARCA (Fracesco). [nzonIere .- Sonetti.- Italian and. Englizh.]
Card ID: 288
Synge (John Millington). The Tinker’s wedding, Riders to the sea and The shadow or the glen. (Pocket edition.) pp. x. + 112. 0 8. Dublin,, 1911.
Card ID: 290
,> Synge (John Millington). QlCJ 1(*%f BOURGEOIS (M.). John Millington Smge and the Irish Theatre. London, 1913.
Card ID: 298
and PS [ABc — Essays) Synge (John Millington). See LONDON. (III.] English Association. Esaays and studies 1973 . PP. 83—98, Collective intellect: Yeats, Synge and Nietzsche. [By] L. Reynolds. London, 1973 p
Card ID: 301
S9?c Synge (John Millington). ç STRONG (Leonard A.G.) John Millington Synge. London, 1941.
Card ID: 308
• iLIi! L1:,1 r EFi4CE LT Synge (John Millington). YEATS (rjj11jam B.) Synge ana the Ireland o his tirre, etc. Qza1a Press: Dundrurn, 1911.
Card ID: 311