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SURTEES (Scott Frederick) (2)
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SURTEES, Scott Frederick
Author: SURTEES (Scott Frederick)
1 DCItT Surtees (Scott Frederick). Shakespearet s rovincia1isms: words in use in Sussex. pp. . 8°. .{ j, 1889. Ct1ogued from the caption. BQund in a volume lettered.: Shakespearo—Pecon Dontroversy.I.
Card ID: 406
S econ SO’tirrv k:,eaoD Oni,v Surtees (Scott Frederick). William Shakespere, of Stratford—on—Avon. His epitaph unearthed, and the author of the plays [Sir Anthony Sherley] run to ground. pp. 28. 8°. [Hertford printed], printed for private circulation, i888. Bound in a volume lettered: Sb,ajcesyeare—Bacon Controversy. I. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 407