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SMITH (William Henry) (3)
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SMITH, William Henry
Author: SMITH (William Henry)
Malcolm Morley Collection ‘ I Smith (William Henry), Dramatic Writer. The Drunkard: a moral domestic drama of American life in four acta, . (Barnstormer Pla, 3.) 1943.
Card ID: 471
22y3 Smith (William Henry), of .th UiddleTele. .A Discourse on ethics of the school of Paley. pp. vi. + 86. {G.G.] 8°. London, 1839.
Card ID: 476
Smith (William Henry) of the Middle Ternpe. Thorndale; or, The Conflict of opinions...Third edition. pp. x• + 5R8. CL. I.] 80. Edinburrh and Londofl, 1879.
Card ID: 478