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SHELDON (Edward Stevens) (1)



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    Author: SHELDON (Edward Stevens)


    Sheldon (Edward Stevens). Concordanza delle opere italiane in prosa e del canzoniere di Dante Alighieri. PubIicata per la Società Dantesca di Cambridge, Massachusetts. A aura di E.S.Sheldon coll.t aiuto di A.C.White. pp. viii. ÷ 74. - 0 2Cf 8 . Oxford, 19O5. 0 ————tA reprint, with a reprint of the1 1936 “Supplementary concordance to the minor Italian works of Dante. Compiled by L.H.Gordoy with an introduction by K.McKenzie.] 2 parts in I vol. 8 Now York, 1969.

    Card ID: 678