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SARTON (George Alfred Leon) (2)



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    Author: SARTON (George Alfred Leon)


    p\ Sarton (George Alfred Leon). Studies arid essays. in. the history of science and learning offered in homage to. George Sarton on the occasion of his sixtieth bIrthday, 31 August, 1944. Edited byM.P.A.Montagu. [By various authors. With bibliagraphies.) pp. xiv. ÷ 594 + (4),. Portraits,. plates,facsimiles, ii1ustrations diajr.azns and tables. 0 8 . New York, [1946].

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: SARTON (George Alfred Leon)


    2-ft,Sr0 ‘1 Sarton (George Alfred Leon). See PHILaDELPHIA. American Philosophical Society. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, etc. 20. Edward Tyson, M.D., F.R.S., 1650—1708, and the rise of human and comparative anatomy in England: a study in the history of science. EByJ M.F.A. Montagu. With a foreword by G. Sar ton. Philadelphia, 19L3.

    Card ID: 170