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S (William Davenport) (3)
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S, William Davenport
S, William Henry Davenport
Author: S (William Davenport)
(43 ADAI1SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (William Davenport). Latter-day lyricS, being poemS of Sentiment and reflection by living writerS. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Selected and arranged with noteS by W.D. AdamS. With a note on Some foreign formS of verSe by AuStin DobSon. (The Mayfair Library.) pp. xvi. + 388. 8°. L.ondpn, [1 878).
Card ID: 348
Author: S (William Henry Davenport)
ADA)SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (William Henry Davenport). Witch, warlock, and magician: hiatorical Sketchea of magic and witchcraft in England and SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Scotland. pp. i428. 8°. London, 1889.
Card ID: 362
ADA)SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (William Henry Davenport). SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See HOZIER (H. M.) The ranco-PruSSian War: itS cauSeS, incidentS and oonSequenoeS...lYith the topography and hiStory of the Rhine Valley by .H.D.AdamS. London, L1870—72. J
Card ID: 364